Type  Normal
Category  Status
PP  10 (max. 16)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  {{{priority}}}
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat or Magic Bounce
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Foe Foe
Self Ally
Affects the user
  • Move Tutor

Metronome is a non-damaging Normal-type move.


Metronome randomly selects a move and fully executes it. An attack called by Metronome in this way counts as the last move used.

A Pokémon will be able to use a move that is disabled if called via Metronome.

Because Metronome has normal move priority, a move with higher or lower priority may be executed other than when it normally would. For instance, Metronome may cause Quick Attack to be used after a normal priority move or Vital Throw to be used before a normal priority move.

Metronome will not select itself or a number of other moves (usually ones that technically couldn't work when called by Metronome).


The user waggles a finger and stimulates its brain into randomly using nearly any move.


By leveling up[]

# Pokémon Type Level
160 Viipii Viipii Normal Normal Start
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.

By Move Tutor[]

# Pokémon Type Tutor
013 Capig Capig Normal Unknown
014 Capabara Capabara Normal Unknown
030 Cowatti Cowatti Electric Unknown
031 Snome Snome Ice Unknown
032 Snogre Snogre Ice Unknown
033 Taomarin Taomarin Normal Unknown
034 Orangutao Orangutao Normal Unknown
041 Berratel Berratel Dark Unknown
042 Growmeo Growmeo Grass Unknown
043 Montegrew Montegrew Grass Unknown
044 Tuliep Tuliep Grass Unknown
045 Capulilly Capulilly Grass Unknown
046 Dreamdery Dreamdery Psychic Unknown
047 Macabra Macabra Dark Unknown
057 Neureka Neureka Psychic Electric
058 Cerebrulb Cerebrulb Psychic Electric
076 Platypow Platypow Fighting Poison
077 Platikhao Platikhao Fighting Poison
100 Somberado Somberado Dark Ghost
104 Atomite Atomite Normal Electric
105 Orbatom Orbatom Normal Electric
139 Loneleaf Loneleaf Ghost Grass
140 Forthorn Forthorn Ghost Grass
144 Howlequin Howlequin Dark Normal
146 Cheshade Cheshade Dark Psychic
148 Artifish Artifish Normal Unknown
151 Pompagoon Pompagoon Dark Fighting
152 Hyekuza Hyekuza Dark Fighting
154 Leukoon Leukoon Ghost Normal
160 Viipii Viipii Normal Unknown
176 Paramoth Paramoth Bug Unknown
179 Chimpoca Chimpoca Fighting Unknown
180 Simayan Simayan Fighting Unknown
181 Monkezuma Monkezuma Fighting Unknown
182 Enigmite Enigmite Bug Unknown
183 Enigmantis Enigmantis Bug Psychic
200 Baboom Baboom Electric Dark
205 Luchito Luchito Fighting Electric
206 Eluchadon Eluchadon Fighting Electric
228 Xochi Xochi Psychic Fire
229 Xotec Xotec Psychic Steel
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.

Free Move Tutors
Fire PledgeGrass PledgeWater Pledge
Blast BurnFrenzy PlantHydro Cannon
Draco Meteor
Battle Point Move Tutors
Quaver Town: MetronomeMimicPay DaySecret PowerSnore
Andante Bay: Acid RainBraceBug BiteElectrowebGastro AcidIcy WindKnock Off
Magnet RiseRecycleRoostSpiteSynthesisWorry Seed
Staccato Cliffs: Fire PunchGravityHelping HandIce PunchMudslideNull RoomRole Play
Seismic TossSingularitySteel WingTailwindTempestThunder PunchTrick
Fugue Town: Dragon PulseFrost SlashHeal BellHyper VoiceIron DefenseIron HeadMagic Coat
Ominous WindPain SplitSeed BombSignal BeamSnatchStealth RockSuper Fang
Coda Peak: Aqua TailAsteroid ShotAvalancheDouble-EdgeEarth PowerFoul PlayGunk Shot
Heat WaveIron TailMegahornOutragePower WhipSky AttackSuperpower
TerrorizeZap CannonZen Headbutt